POP and IMAP are the ways in which you can configure access to Mail in the mail program (client) on your computer or in the app on smartphones and tablets.
With IMAP (Internet Mail Access Control) i your messages, both of the folder Mail arrived that of all the other folders, remain on the server: a copy is downloaded to your computer / mobile device. You can then access your mailbox from any device both mobile and PC, as long as all are in IMAP, even from Webmail.
If you choose the mode POP (Post Office Protocol), messages will be picked up from the server's Inbox and downloaded locally to your PC: on the Webmail then there will be no more, unless you choose the option in the POP that allows you to keep a copy of the messages on the server.
If you want consult the mail in several ways (for example a client and the Webmail or the webmail and several clients or mobile phones and tablets) we recommend to configure the box on clients always using the IMAP protocol.
We also recommend IMAP because POP in some cases it might cause synchronization problems of mails and folders when accessing the mailbox at the same time in different ways.
If you want to switch between accounts POP already configured to an IMAP and you are not an expert, fai much attention: By deleting or modifying an already configured POP account, you risk lose your mail previously downloaded to your PC. If you don't know how to do it, then, we advise you to consult an expert.
Even switching between accounts IMAP already configured to POP requires a minimum of knowledge: also in this case we recommend that you contact an expert or contact us for advice.