Abuse Reports
Every day, we work with dedication to combat the abuse of the Internet and information technologies that can cause harm to users. If you observe a violation of our policies or any form of abuse on our web hosting platform, we urge you to report it as soon as possible. Your reporting is critical to ensuring a safe and secure environment for all our customers and the entire community.
To report abuse, follow the steps below
- Identification: Identify the IP address or domain implicated in the abusive activity.
- Repertoire: Gather as much information as possible related to the abuse, such as screenshots or log records.
- Notification: Send a detailed report to the email address abuse@managedserver.it. In your report, specify the IP address or domain involved and attach all information collected.
- Qualification: Please include your contact details: name, email address and telephone number, so that we can reach you for further details if necessary.
Example of abuse
- spam: Sending unsolicited emails or messages in large quantities.
- Phishing: Attempts to obtain sensitive information by spoofing a legitimate website or service.
- Malware: Distribution of malicious software such as viruses, worms, trojans, etc.
- DDoS attacks: Distributed denial-of-service attacks that make a service inaccessible.
- Copyright infringement: Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material.
- Illegal Content: Distribution or hosting of illegal material, such as child pornography, extremist material, etc.
- Abuse of Resources: Excessive or unauthorized use of a service's resources, such as bandwidth, disk space, etc.
- Violation of the Terms of Service: Any activity that violates the terms of service or end user license agreement.
- Intrusion or Hacking: Attempts to illegally access a private system or data.
- Identity Forgery: Using a false or stolen identity to deceive other users or the system.
- Incitement to Hatred or Violence: Content that promotes hatred, violence or discrimination based on factors such as race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
- Data Manipulation: Unauthorized modification or deletion of data or information.
- Any activity aimed at committing crimes: Any activity that can directly lead to the commission of a crime or crime.
Reports of abuse will be investigated as soon as possible and appropriate action will be taken depending on the severity of the abuse. Please note that, depending on the circumstances, it may be necessary to involve the relevant authorities.
Please remember that if there is an imminent danger to the safety or physical integrity of you or others we invite you promptly to contact the competent authorities in your country by dialing 112 (European emergency number for all European Union countries) and warn of the imminent threat.
In no way can our company or the Abuse department replace the police forces / the judicial authorities / the judiciary and the bodies responsible for guaranteeing public safety and prosecuting crimes.
Please remember that if there is an imminent danger to the safety or physical integrity of you or others we invite you promptly to contact the competent authorities in your country by dialing 112 (European emergency number for all European Union countries) and warn of the imminent threat.
In no way can our company or the Abuse department replace the police forces / the judicial authorities / the judiciary and the bodies responsible for guaranteeing public safety and prosecuting crimes.